Author: charisse

Homemade Pride Parade
closeUp, Gay Pride, Lifestyle, Politics, Society

Homemade Pride Parade

A display of how a Homemade Pride parade during Covid 19 brings together, not only the LGBTQ+ community, but Everyone! After writing a recent post about how essential it is to educate children and young people on the importance of LGBTQ issues and history; I decided to follow that up with a Pride Parade celebration during Lockdown of Covid 19. But how you ask? Since life in lockdown has affected us all, whether it be home schooling, missing friends and family or even missing our favourite restaurants the importance of trying to maintain some form of normality has never been more significant! This being said all of London’s Pride events were cancelled. Many of the events being transformed into part of a virtual online pride. Including online live drag shows, talent acts, Q&A sessi...
Taking Pride in educating children
closeUp, Lifestyle

Taking Pride in educating children

The only way to combat homophobia is by taking pride in educating our children in the fight for equality. I did not have a strong gay influence growing up, I was uneducated about many issues regarding queer history; and in my opinion, many essential teachings on LGBTQ+ history. Until secondary school I did not know that it was possible (let alone allowed) for the same sex to be in love, in my opinion society had already installed in me that this behaviour was unacceptable, meaning I kept my own sexuality a secret, tried to hide it. I was in no way ashamed, but instead scared of the reaction it would create. Society telling me that no gay person or LGBTQ+ allies would be welcome with open arms. Looking back, I'm curious as to how I would be different had I been informed and educated abo...
Are the labels really necessary?
closeUp, Gay Pride

Are the labels really necessary?

Understanding lesbian labels and their purpose. Are we conforming to heteronormativity? The terms femme, butch, stud, stem, (along with many others) are continuously thrown around when it comes to the lesbian community, with these terms seeming much more prominent in the past few years. But why? Where did they even come from? The use of lesbian labels originated in the 1890s, with butch referring to a female butcher, “a hard-fisted woman of the people”. The term acting as a way to specifically identify homosexual women. As society assumed butch women were masculine, the labels acted as a way to highlight their lack of femininity, also deeming them outcasts within communities. Many of these assumptions about butch women are still upheld within the LGBTQ+ community. Such being that a but...
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