Tag: European Parliament

Ekdal: “Gays in football are afraid of coming” out –  VIDEO
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Ekdal: “Gays in football are afraid of coming” out –  VIDEO

During the Sport VS Homophobia meeting held at the European Parliament in Brussels, Albin Ekdal spoke bluntly: “In our sport, only eight players have come out homosexuals, an extremely small number. Many would like to, but they don’t feel free to do so, fearful of negative reactions ". Watch the full video below: https://www.facebook.com/tizianabeghineuropa/videos/715201422348597/   In the video Edkal told how gay players who would like to come out "feel obliged to flee to hide and live in fear" and that "we need to fight back on this issue harnessing education as a force for good.”  “In an ideal world, nobody would feel uncomfortable coming out as homosexual, whether in their everyday life or in football. Unfortunately the reality is somewhat different.” “Being h...
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