Shoah: when remembering gives us hope for a better future.
For many of us, YomHaShoa - or day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Shoha - is a sad, almost mournful time every year. But then… why is it important to remember if it can hurt so much?
As a gay and Jewish person, Remembering (and honouring) the victims of the Shoah is something I do almost every day, it is a good exercise for the memory, but also for my own sense of thankfulness: how lucky are we to be living in so much comfort and peace, in our houses, now? Certainly one could say that we do still have that feeling of “something’s still missing in my life”… but hey! We are here, we are safe, we are alive, and - again - in the full comfort of our own houses.
My Grandmother - when still alive - used to remind me of how during deportation she had to flee her city, her parents escaped a...