Tag: lgbtq lives

Taking Pride in educating children
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Taking Pride in educating children

The only way to combat homophobia is by taking pride in educating our children in the fight for equality. I did not have a strong gay influence growing up, I was uneducated about many issues regarding queer history; and in my opinion, many essential teachings on LGBTQ+ history. Until secondary school I did not know that it was possible (let alone allowed) for the same sex to be in love, in my opinion society had already installed in me that this behaviour was unacceptable, meaning I kept my own sexuality a secret, tried to hide it. I was in no way ashamed, but instead scared of the reaction it would create. Society telling me that no gay person or LGBTQ+ allies would be welcome with open arms. Looking back, I'm curious as to how I would be different had I been informed and educated abo...
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