Tag: mikolas josef

Mikolas Josef submitted a song for ESCZ 2021

Mikolas Josef submitted a song for ESCZ 2021

Mikolas Josef, representant for Czech Republic at Eurovision Song Contest 2018 and best country's result in the competiton until today (6th place) has submitted a song for the national final ESCZ 2022. Around 150 songs have been presented to the broadcaster, but only up to 8 will be selected for the show, which will take place in December 2021. The show will be entirely online, whike the audience will watch the live-on-tape performances. The jury will hold 50% of the voting, while 25% will be for the Czech public and the remaining 25% will be for the international audience. Will Mikolas be receiving the golden ticket once again and fly the Czech flag at Eurovision? What are your expectations?
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