Demi Lovato and Sam Smith: the Olympic LGBT+ duo
Are Olympic Games postponed because of Covid-19 pandemic? No worries, Smith and Lovato duo will make us dream anyway.
The cover of their new single - out this Friday 17th April 2020 - pictures the two artists as a sport team ready to represent the LGBT+ community at the next Olympic Games, and honestly, we can’t wait for this single to be released.
'I'm Ready' is the latest track to be released from Sam’s third album which originally had to be called “To Die For”. A choice that resulted not to be the best one given the actual situation of the number of deaths for Coronavirus.
The artist decided to postpone the effective release fo the album to a new date (t.b.c) and find a better name for it.
This Monday, on his social media channels, Sam Smith wrote: “Incredibly happy to re...