Tag: rick cosnett

Rick Cosnett from The Flash, comes out as Gay on Instagram
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Rick Cosnett from The Flash, comes out as Gay on Instagram

“I want to live my truth every day” We all remember him mainly for 2 things: a) how hot and sexy he is; b) The Vampire Diaries But Rick Cosnett is also famous for his interpretations in The Flash (a famous Superheroes tv series); Ws Maxfield in The Vampire Diaries and Elias Harper in Quantico. So, Rick on Valentine’s day decided to surprise his fans and make himself a present: he came out as gay on his Instagram profile with a lovely video. https://www.instagram.com/tv/B8hnrZXJGhy/?utm_source=ig_embed “I am gay. And I just wanted everyone to know. Because I’ve made a promise to myself to live my truth every day. And sometimes that is a really hard thing to do when you have all these subconscious things you don’t even know about from childhood and society and just life. I am sure most ...
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