Tag: stop bullism

Italian Political Panorama gets enriched with a completely LGBT+ Party: Partito Gay
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Italian Political Panorama gets enriched with a completely LGBT+ Party: Partito Gay

Italy is facing a big social revolution which has seen the approval of an Anti-Homophobia Act and the creation of a political party made of all LGBT+ representatives. The press conference to present this new party to the world, opens with a touching and still so real video of LGBT+ people around Italy that have suffered and still suffer from Homophobic attacks and offences. Some of them, as they tell us in the video, still receive today death threatens or get publicly offended and threatened on social media simply for being who they are. All these witnesses have been spontaneously submitted by LGBT+ people around Italy to a project called #LGBTLivesMatter (launched by Gay Center Roma) during the first lock-down due to Covid-19. Fabrizio Marrazzo famous Italian LGBT+ activist, founder...
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