BFI Flare opens tonight with GIRL PICTURE
BFI Flare, London’s LGBTQ+ film festival, opens tonight with the gorgeous Finnish coming-of-age tale GIRL PICTURE. It focuses on three young women in their late teens, finding their way around life, love, anger and joy. Mimmi and Rönkkö are best friends, looking for intimacy, sex and fun. When Emma, a top-level ice skater, enters the juice bar where they work, life changes for all of them.
This is a joyous film including a heartfelt relationship between two of the young women, frank discussions of female desire (and trying to lead the young men they encounter to understand it), but also healthy doses of consent and an important, and all to rare, exploration of asexuality.
Head to BFI Southbank tonight for this lovely opening film (with the more beguiling Finnish title Tytöt tytöt tyt...