Film recommendation: Sequin in a Blue Room

Australian teenager Sequin (the excellent Conor Leach) enjoys hookups with older men, blocking them immediately after sex and moving on to the next thrill. But during a visit to an anonymous sex party, he finds a guy he wants to see again. Meanwhile he is pursued by a married man (Ed Wightman), keen to see him again, and Sequin tries to manipulate this man’s need to locate the details of the anonymous stranger.

This is part a sexy, erotic thriller, and part a coming-of-age story as Sequin navigates his way through sex, desire, the thrill of being desired – as well as school, a shy schoolmate clearly interested in him and his relationship with his dad. Joyously, there is no discomfort in Sequin’s sexuality – either at school or at home – and nor is their any shame in his enjoyment of hookups. We do see danger, and we see that perhaps Sequin needs something more rooted and ongoing, but the film does not criticise any aspect of his lifestyle.

With a superb central performance and confident aesthetics, this is a strong film that will have you hooked by its beauty and sexiness and on edge with the tension of the story.

You can watch Sequin in a Blue Room via Peccadillo Pictures or their virtual cinema (select your local – if you don’t have one, feel free to select Saffron Screen 😊 )

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