
Tag: damir

TOP 5 of the Hottest male singers of Eurovision Song Contest 2020
closeUp, Eurovision

TOP 5 of the Hottest male singers of Eurovision Song Contest 2020

It is Friday sweeties, and on Friday we  just want to have fun, isn’t it? Eurovision Song Contest 2020 Rotterdam is only 71 days away and while the list of participants is being completed day by day, I already have my favourite singers and songs as I’m sure you have too. But I would not be me without letting my hormones make their own decisions on some of the artists. So, my hormones and I agreed that this is The Top 5 of the Hottest Male Singers of this ESC2020 … and our dear Grandma #Titina20 agrees with us too (how couldn’t she!?). From the bottom to the top, this is my personal chart. 5th - BLAS CANTÓ - The Spanish Singer will represent his country at ESC2020. And if last year’s entry was hot as fire, this year Blas will be hot as lava…and I am ready to get burned if I got the ch...
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