Tag: gender equality

British Airways and their new gender-neutral greetings approach.
closeUp, News, Society, Travel

British Airways and their new gender-neutral greetings approach.

British Airways is not the first nor the last, but surely the latest airline to drop the old “ladies and gentlemen” greeting on-board in favour of gender-neutral greetings. We maybe needed a lockdown to allow many airlines to rethink their strict policies and open their views on social issues too, but apparently this change of announcement has been made in order to “reflect the diversity” of the always larger number of children travelling after lockdown and the increasing recognition of trans and non-binary customers flying onboard of their aircrafts. Pilots and Cabin Crew members have been asked to use gender-neutral language when making their pre-flight announcement and welcome speeches. We might find that the old “ladies and gentlemen” could be replaced by “passengers” or “guests”. ...
Anti-LGBT+ factions in Israel threaten gender equality in the country.
closeUp, Culture, News, Politics, Society

Anti-LGBT+ factions in Israel threaten gender equality in the country.

Noam, part of the Religious Zionism slate, lists string of conditions - which we could easily call racist - for joining Bibi’s government, including halting state-run projects on Shabbat, upholding Jewish nation-state law and downgrading gender equality and LGBT+ rights. Israel recently faced new elections but unfortunately the political panorama did not change that much as Netanyahu still remains in charge as PM and his dirty games of power appear to have no end. Lately, the coalition with the religious-extremist and Zionist party Noam brought to light some very dangerous requests that this party made to Netanyahu in order to adhere to his political majority and plans of power of the country. The party NOAM demanded that “a government edict that requires government bodies to act in acc...
Play cards become gender-equal in new pack created by teenager
closeUp, Entertainment, News, Politics

Play cards become gender-equal in new pack created by teenager

Gender Equal cards to stop discriminations. An Israeli youngster raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to create a brand-new deck of cards making the female characters equal to their male counterparts. Whilst playing cards on vacation, Jerusalem-based teenager, Maayan asked her father a simple question: “Why is the Queen worth less than the King?” Her father didn’t have a good answer, which sparked the idea to create the world’s first gender-equal deck, with two Kings and Queens raised higher and two lower, she then added princesses to replace two of the Jacks – all with an equal scoring. They also created a female joker. “Let’s be honest,” Maayan says, “playing cards were invented hundreds of years ago and they don’t make sense anymore today…we even have ruling female monarchs...
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