Tag: idahot

IDAHOT 2020 – This is why we must not be ashamed of who we are.
closeUp, Gay Pride, Society

IDAHOT 2020 – This is why we must not be ashamed of who we are.

International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia 2020.  Let's start with one fact: ours is a male-dominated, patriarchal, and obsessively religious society. This implies that if you are not male, heterosexual, and religious, somehow, you do not fit in this normality. What if you don’t fit in then? Well, then a part of our society feels authorized to be offensive and violent with you. Like if they were Gods able to decide what’s the right kind of love. Their targets to hit are always minorities. It is easy to blame those who are numerically lower or physically less strong. Technically, women would not be a minority, but as women, they are seen as inferior by some men. According to the prevailing patriarchal male chauvinism, women are inferior beings who have very specific ...
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