
Tag: lingerie

Owning homophobic comments: we should all learn from this brand!
closeUp, Entertainment, Lifestyle

Owning homophobic comments: we should all learn from this brand!

By continuing to come back to this post and commenting will continue to push it out to other people. We know how instagram works, don’t we? Well, let me tell you that if we like a pic or comment it, IG will understand that this post is interesting and it will automatically be pushed to more users on that social network, who will like it themselves (or maybe write a comment to it) and other people will see that post in their feed too… and so on. This is basically what is happening to Playful Promises - a famous British Lingerie brand - that on Saturday, posted a pic of Jake DuPree - the famous “merman” from Los Angeles, wearing a dusty rose bra and suspender set.“ https://www.instagram.com/p/B_pWqOQBcnN/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=loadingù “Jake DuPree causing heart palp...
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