Arrested after planting a rainbow flag at NYC Coronavirus Field Hospital.

The hospital is run by anti-LGBT preacher Franklin Graham.

Last Tuesday the opening, but nothing mattered to public opinion, not even if this hospital is run by Graham’s anti-gay evangelist group Samaritan’s Purse, not even if all volunteers at the hospital must sign an anti-gay pledge agreeing that “gay people will go to hell” and that those healthcare givers will not cure any gay patient.

So Reverend Billy Talen tried to plant a rainbow LGBT+ flag in front of the hospital:

“Today I tried to deliver a rainbow flag to the Samaritan’s Purse field hospital in Central Park. Franklin Graham and his Lord’s Army are here with their homophobic racist hustle. Help not hate,” he wrote in his post on twitter, after being arrested and charged with resisting arrest, criminal trespass and disorderly conduct near to the Samaritan’s Purse COVID-19 field hospital, according to NBC.

In an email sent to NBC News, a spokesperson from NYC Police Department said that Reverend Talen “jumped over the outer perimeter barrier of the Samaritan’s Purse field hospital, a prohibited area” and was then “instructed to leave”, but as he refused and “proceeded to plant a flag on a pole into the ground,” he had to be arrested.

The Hospital also said that they would not discriminate patients for being LGBT+, but we do find it hard to believe it anyway.

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