A historic change in the faith of thousands of same-sex couples in the first Democratic Middle Eastern Country.
Tuesday 4th December 2021, was already a big day for Israel when single men are allowed to become parents but now, years and years of peaceful fights, finally made a little dream come true: Nitzan Horowitz – Israeli Health Minister – told a press conference (as reported on Reuters): “It is a historic day for the LGBTQ struggle in Israel”. In fact, same sex couples will be allowed to finally have access to surrogacy treatments in Israel with no need to travel abroad to fulfil their dreams.
זה קורה. היום אנחנו עושים היסטוריה. בדיוק כפי שהתחייבנו, בעוד שבוע מהיום נאפשר גם ללהט"בים גישה שווה לפונדקאות בישראל.
אנחנו הופכים את מערכת הבריאות הישראלית לאחת המתקדמות ביותר בעולם ביחס לקהילה הגאה ולכל אדם באשר הוא ובאשר היא.
גאווה והתרגשות גדולה. pic.twitter.com/HF3C5uZwCb
— Nitzan Horowitz نيتسان هوروفيتس ניצן הורוביץ (@NitzanHorowitz) January 4, 2022
It was 2010 (over 11 years ago) when the first petition to allow same-sex couples to use a surrogate was signed, and during the same year (we are talking about 2010), Etai Pinkas Arad and Yoav Arad Pinkas brought the case to Israel’s top court in 2010. Only in February 2020 the court ruled that excluding same-sex couples was illegal and the Israeli parliament was given until September to create a new law.
After very hard and long bureaucratic challenges, finally Israeli LGBT+ peoples will have access to their right to form a family and became parents.
When surrogacy will also become a much cheaper option, then we will have reached a more equal and fair world for LGBT+ families to have children.