Tag: Israel

Eurovision 2024 – Qualifiers of the second semifinal
closeUp, Eurovision

Eurovision 2024 – Qualifiers of the second semifinal

We have 10 more qualifiers for the grand finale of Eurovision 2024 in Malmö. What a show this second semifinal of Eurovision 2024, but hey! Malta was robbed! Period! There is no other explanation  if Latvia - which has got a great song this year but gave such a flat show on that stage yesterday night - made it to final and Sorah Bonnici did not!!! This said: welcome to a new reaction, this time for the second semifinal of Eurovision Song Contest 2024! My name is Raffa and this is TheGaylyMirror. Let’s start from the whole show: Sweden really knows how to host a Eurovision, and they are showing it every single moment. Not a technical imperfection, not a single dead second, and a great flowing of the acts one after the other. The choice of the hosts and the “funny” jokes they delivered, ...
EUROVISION 2022 – VIDEO REACTION to the outfits on the Turquoise Carpet
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EUROVISION 2022 – VIDEO REACTION to the outfits on the Turquoise Carpet

LIVE FROM TURIN AT EUROVISION SONG CONTEST 2022 - TURQUOISE CARPET We followed live from Turin - press - the Turquoise Carpet of Eurovision Song Contest 2022, and reacted to all the outfits from the artists participating in this year's event. Some of them were absolutely stunning and some others a bit less: we are still tying to figure out why many of the artists decided to wear black. Was it something related to the feeling of mourning coming from the war in Ukraine? Was it simply just a choice of fashion? Who knows? Big big big HANDS UP for Chanel in her revisited-red-sevillana style; for Blanco and Mahmood which were sexyness on a stick; for Michale Ben David and the entourage dressed in Israeli blue; for Ronela Hajati, which brought an astonishing outfit garnished with a rainbow fla...
Eurovision Song Contest 2022 – Reaction to “I.M” by Michael Ben David – Israel
closeUp, Entertainment, Eurovision

Eurovision Song Contest 2022 – Reaction to “I.M” by Michael Ben David – Israel

On this road to Eurovision Song Contest 2022 in Turin, I'm reacting to Michael Ben David's song - I.M - from XFactor Israel 2022. To be honest, not great lyrics this year from israel, but those few words, and the way Michael Ben David sings them , do give a lot of meaning to his message: fierceness, pride and great stage presence.  Also this year Israel is setting a good competition for all the contestants of Eurovision Song Contest 2022.  Enjoy the video, and do share your thoughts with us! On this road to Eurovision Song Contest 2022 in Turin, I'm reacting to Michael Ben David's song - I.M - from XFactor Israel 2022. To be honest, not great lyrics this year from israel, but those few words, and the way Michael Ben David sings them , do give a lot of meaning to his message: fiercenes...
ISRAEL to finally allow surrogacy for same-sex couples!
closeUp, News, Society

ISRAEL to finally allow surrogacy for same-sex couples!

A historic change in the faith of thousands of same-sex couples in the first Democratic Middle Eastern Country. Tuesday 4th December 2021,  was already a big day for Israel when single men are allowed to become parents but now, years and years of peaceful fights, finally made a little dream come true: Nitzan Horowitz - Israeli Health Minister - told a press conference (as reported on Reuters): “It is a historic day for the LGBTQ struggle in Israel". In fact, same sex couples will be allowed to finally have access to surrogacy treatments in Israel with no need to travel abroad to fulfil their dreams.  https://twitter.com/NitzanHorowitz/status/1478287973733044224?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1478287973733044224%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fattit...
Eurovision 2021 – First Semifinal results and reactions.
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Eurovision 2021 – First Semifinal results and reactions.

The first Semifinal of Eurovision Song Contest 2021 has just ended and we have the first 10 finalists that will join the Big 5 and The Netherlands in the Grand Final of Saturday 22nd May 2021.  So many feelings, so many emotions: we spent the whole night watching the event live from the Press Room in Rotterdam Ahoy Arena, and hey, did we have goosebumps the whole night! Two years since the last real Eurovision Song Contest (Tel Aviv 2019) and we finally had the chance to enjoy such a fantastic music show that the whole world enjoyed.  Who are the finalists? Do we agree with them all? No! Absolutely not!  Norway for example: a very weak staging; a very weak voice and we hope the back singers are paid good enough to save Tix’s voice every time he sings live on that stage; majori...
Anti-LGBT+ factions in Israel threaten gender equality in the country.
closeUp, Culture, News, Politics, Society

Anti-LGBT+ factions in Israel threaten gender equality in the country.

Noam, part of the Religious Zionism slate, lists string of conditions - which we could easily call racist - for joining Bibi’s government, including halting state-run projects on Shabbat, upholding Jewish nation-state law and downgrading gender equality and LGBT+ rights. Israel recently faced new elections but unfortunately the political panorama did not change that much as Netanyahu still remains in charge as PM and his dirty games of power appear to have no end. Lately, the coalition with the religious-extremist and Zionist party Noam brought to light some very dangerous requests that this party made to Netanyahu in order to adhere to his political majority and plans of power of the country. The party NOAM demanded that “a government edict that requires government bodies to act in acc...
Eurovision 2021 – Israeli’s selection has started
closeUp, Eurovision

Eurovision 2021 – Israeli’s selection has started

No worries at all: Eden Alene has already been re-confirmed for the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest in Rotterdam. So what is Israel selecting? The song Eden will be performing! This year the entire process will be held online. The professional committee set up by KAN has listened to over 200 songs which were sent in anonymously and has shortlisted the 10 songs from which the one that will be performed in Rotterdam will be chosen. The selection process is easy and transparent: everyone - visiting KAN's dedicated website - will be able to vote for their favourite one. By the end of the selection the 2 songs which will have received the most votes together with a third one decided by the committee, will be contending - as it happened in 2020, but this year will be an online selection ...
Israel tries to ban conversion therapies for LGBT+ People
closeUp, News, Politics, Society

Israel tries to ban conversion therapies for LGBT+ People

Israel becomes the first country in the Middle East to ban a sick and primitive practice. Only 30 years ago - in 1990 - W.H.O removed homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses, and immediately afterwards also the American Psychological Association and other similar and very influential scientific institutions in the world, warned of the deleterious mental consequences that people can have when "doctors" want to forcefully change someone's sexual orientation. Lobotomy was formerly used (in those cases which were considered 'difficult'), today, those countries that still allow such therapies, the use of hard mental practices, such as "pray the gay away"  - which are worse than a lobotomy - make "patients" fall into confusing states of mind that too often result in suicides. Israel, ...
Is it safe to travel to “anti-gay” countries?
closeUp, Lifestyle

Is it safe to travel to “anti-gay” countries?

Maybe the real question is: are "anti-gay" countries really dangerous for LGBT+ people, or maybe the influx of tourists can help change things in these countries? We know that summer holidays 2019 are just a memory now, but mind travels (at least mine is already thinking about where to go to for the next summer) and so here is a little travel reflection of the Editor in Chief ... maybe useful, maybe not ... but certainly interesting. Time Flies Only 60 years ago, a time that may seem long but believe me it is not, Spain was a rather repressive place. Under the grip of General Franco and the Catholic Church, las Costas (Costa Brava) was then a non-fun and not at all safe area. For example, when the first flights brought tourists in search of fun from the UK and Northern Europe in gene...
Eurovision Song Contest Revival – a friendly chat with Imri Ziv – VIDEO
closeUp, Eurovision

Eurovision Song Contest Revival – a friendly chat with Imri Ziv – VIDEO

It is sad not to have Eurovision Song Contest this year due to Coronavirus pandemic, but we are Eurovision Fans in any case and we will celebrate this week as a if the contest was still happening. Rotterdam was getting ready and all of us willing to attend the event had already bought their flights and hotels... but then... a bastard virus got into the way and obliged the entire Eurovision machine to stop, to give up and cancel the event. So to celebrate this event we had a live streaming with Imri Ziv on Raffa's IG  and you can watch the full interview here below. https://www.facebook.com/thegaylymirror/videos/233883891165758/   Who is Imri Ziv? Imri Ziv, also known as IMRI, is a 28-year-old Israeli singer and voice actor. After winning HaKokhav HaBa, he represented Israe...
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