Seriously gurl?
Many websites providing legal porn material have offered free premium accounts to all their users, as a help and incentive to #StayHome and have something funny to do whether you are facing this isolation alone or with your partner.
The use of sex toys, porn material and sex-cams significantly increased since the beginning of this pandemic due to Covid-19, but of course there people around the world who really have too much time to think about silly things when they could easily use their time to take advantage of a premium account on PornHub (just to give an example).
In fact, Terry Schilling, executive director of the religious, homophobic and transphobic organisation The American Principles Project, wrote for The Federalist: “During a worldwide pandemic that has already taken thousands of lives, concerns about a rise in porn usage may seem trivial. However, to brush these concerns aside would be a huge mistake. Like the coronavirus, pornography use is silent but deadly, a powerful disease that has had devastating effects across our society. Although coronavirus may attract more headlines today, pornography will be with us for the long haul. Porn cannot be vaccinated against, it has a nearly $100 billion industry devoted to its spread worldwide, and few are brave enough to stand against it.”
Anti-LGBT+ hate group Liberty Council sent out a press release, where pornography was described as a problem caused by “mental health stress” during coronavirus lockdown and pandemic.
Now, do you really believe pornography is the problem?