Tag: bisexuality

Superman’s son comes out as bisexual
closeUp, Entertainment, Reviews

Superman’s son comes out as bisexual

Let’s welcome Superman’s son - Jon Kent - a new bisexual hero we will all fall in love with. It’s the news that everyone is talking about (and too many people are actually doing it in a negative way), but it is also the one that gives us all a big smile on our faces. Jon Kent will come out as bisexual in the next episode of Superman: Son of Kal-EL #5: writer Tony Taylor made the announcement on National Coming Out Day saying "Everyone needs heroes" The 5th book will be out in libraries on 9th Nov 2021: written by Tom Taylor and designed by John Timms, it will tell the story of Earth's new Superman as he explores being the most powerful being in the world after his father leaves Earth to attempt to free the people of Warworld. A role that really consumes our dear and young Jon and fo...
Disney to release their long-awaited bisexual lead in The Owl House
closeUp, Entertainment

Disney to release their long-awaited bisexual lead in The Owl House

Disney is making strides with the LGBT+ representation in their films, and they shall soon feature a bisexual protagonist. You will surely remember the other animation movie that had a lesbian character and the famous Duck Tales with two gay dads- unfortunately not well accepted in all countries - and Disney continues to make strides in the representation of LGBT+ characters. The Owl House - this is the name of TV Series that should represent a bisexual protagonist - which airs on the Disney Channel, sees its lead character named Luz - a 14-year-old Dominican-American, that has already given some hints on her sexuality, to be possibly queer. Luz (whose voice belongs to Sarah-Nicole Robles) has previously shown interest in guys, but recently fans have noticed her growing interest fro Ami...
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