Tag: prevention

World AIDS Day – 5 golden rules to prevent HIV infections
closeUp, Health, Lifestyle, Society

World AIDS Day – 5 golden rules to prevent HIV infections

Sex is one of the most satisfying activities for the greatest number of human beings. But sex does not only involve your body... it must also involve your head, as if it does not, then we run serious risks. Having a fulfilling sexual life is fundamental for many people of different ages, and we do agree that sex is also a fantastic way to explore our bodies and become one only body with the other person(s) and to share with them a spiral of feelings and emotions that no words can express. So we thought about 5 golden rules to respect and follow to enjoy sex as much as possible and reduce the risk of contracting HIV, but before you start reading them, there is something you always have to remember. Sex is something you make using both your head and your body, so please, always feel your...
World AIDS Day 2020 – the numbers, the stigma, the fight.
closeUp, Health

World AIDS Day 2020 – the numbers, the stigma, the fight.

The importance to keep on fighting this "beast" seen under the light of a new global pandemic. Yes, global pandemic is who the WHO describes AIDS/HIV, and unfortunately, this monster does not stop in front of a new virus threatening our lives; this beast does not give any breaks to scientists looking for a cure as it keeps on changing shape, it evolves and gets more dangerous. As of 2018, approximately 37.9 million people are infected with HIV globally and the numbers do not seem to slow down even during Covid-19 pandemic. We'd like to share some Global Statistics of 2020 according to Wikipedia HIV & AIDS Statistics 25.4 million [24.5 million–25.6 million] people were accessing antiretroviral therapy in 2019. 38.0 million [31.6 million–44.5 million] people globally wer...
PrEP – What you need is a correct information – Pt.2
closeUp, Health, Lifestyle

PrEP – What you need is a correct information – Pt.2

Life is too short to have no care for you! Our journey into the world of PrEP continues with the help of Pietro, an expert at the Milan Checkpoint PrEP counter. We had left ourselves in Pt.1 with many questions and answers and now let's continue from here. What is its correct use for a prophylaxis that works? For PrEP to work, correct adherence is required, i.e.: taking suggested doses according to the established schedule, otherwise, the concentration of the drug in your mucous membranes is not sufficient to give effective protection from HIV. Depending on personal needs and lifestyles, it is possible to take PrEP every day, or only in view of sexual intercourse, with different dosages. Over time, it is possible to change the intake timing, or even stop the cure for a period of tim...
PrEP: what you need is a correct information – Pt.1
closeUp, Health, Lifestyle

PrEP: what you need is a correct information – Pt.1

There is still a long way to go when it comes to correct information about PrEP: this dark shade on it puts us in the risk of falling into mistakes and harming our-selves even more in the attempt of taking care of us. We had a chat with Pietro Vinti, responsible manager of the PrEP desk of the Milan Checkpoint - an association which offers medical and psychological support - to whom we asked a series of questions about PrEP we received from our readers. What does PrEP Mean? PrEP stands for Pre Exposure Prophylaxis. It means that by taking a specific drug before a risky sexual relationship, for example sex without condom, you can prevent the transmission of the HIV virus. The drug used was born to keep the virus under control in people who already live with HIV, but in many years of obse...
Adam Castillejo is the second person in the world to be cured of HIV.
closeUp, Health, Lifestyle, News

Adam Castillejo is the second person in the world to be cured of HIV.

The second person in the world to be cured of HIV publicly revealed his identity for the first time. We are talking about Adam Castillejo, 40, from London, who reportedly recovered from HIV following a stem cell treatment for cancer, according to BBC. Adam joins the Berlin patient who was declared cured of the virus in 2011, three years after undergoing a similar treatment. Adam Castillejo said: "By publicly revealing my identity and my story, I hope to help improve people's understanding of the science and HIV generally. I want to thank all those who have supported me on this journey, particularly my medical team at Hammersmith Hospital without whom I would not be here today." Venezuela-born Castillejo contracted HIV a year after moving to London in 2003. Unfortunately, in 2012 he w...
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