Tag: world aids day

PHILADELPHIA – the film about AIDS and Gay Love that shook the world.
closeUp, Culture, Society

PHILADELPHIA – the film about AIDS and Gay Love that shook the world.

Maybe too few young LGBT+ friends know, remember or have even ever watched this movie, but Philadelphia was and still is one of the first movies that opened the eyes of the world on the stigma of AIDS, Homosexuality and the gay community. On this World Aids Day I am willing to take you back in time, to when in 1993 (Europe saw it in 1994) Philadelphia (the movie) was released in the cinemas across the USA, touching the hearts of so many people, and talking about a very harsh, too often unspoken, issue: HIV stigma and homosexuality.  It is a movie that is hard to face, especially in some scenes, and because of the language used in it: but it is part of the real world that LGBT+ and HIV+ people had to face in those years. A movie that I remember having watched several times and different...
World AIDS Day – 5 golden rules to prevent HIV infections
closeUp, Health, Lifestyle, Society

World AIDS Day – 5 golden rules to prevent HIV infections

Sex is one of the most satisfying activities for the greatest number of human beings. But sex does not only involve your body... it must also involve your head, as if it does not, then we run serious risks. Having a fulfilling sexual life is fundamental for many people of different ages, and we do agree that sex is also a fantastic way to explore our bodies and become one only body with the other person(s) and to share with them a spiral of feelings and emotions that no words can express. So we thought about 5 golden rules to respect and follow to enjoy sex as much as possible and reduce the risk of contracting HIV, but before you start reading them, there is something you always have to remember. Sex is something you make using both your head and your body, so please, always feel your...
World AIDS Day 2020 – the numbers, the stigma, the fight.
closeUp, Health

World AIDS Day 2020 – the numbers, the stigma, the fight.

The importance to keep on fighting this "beast" seen under the light of a new global pandemic. Yes, global pandemic is who the WHO describes AIDS/HIV, and unfortunately, this monster does not stop in front of a new virus threatening our lives; this beast does not give any breaks to scientists looking for a cure as it keeps on changing shape, it evolves and gets more dangerous. As of 2018, approximately 37.9 million people are infected with HIV globally and the numbers do not seem to slow down even during Covid-19 pandemic. We'd like to share some Global Statistics of 2020 according to Wikipedia HIV & AIDS Statistics 25.4 million [24.5 million–25.6 million] people were accessing antiretroviral therapy in 2019. 38.0 million [31.6 million–44.5 million] people globally wer...
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