Tunisia opens to gay marriages

The male – liwat – and female – mousahaqa – homosexual acts are punished with imprisonment up to three years in Tunisia.

Yet despite this troglodyte law, Tunisia has written history between the Arab and Muslim countries, recognizing for the first time a marriage between two men.

Shams association – which has always fought in the country for the decriminalization of homosexuality – through their facebook page announced this very important event. A unique news that arrives on the first day of Ramadan – a month sacred to Muslims – and which despite bringing such positive news, has sparked a heated debate in the high religious and extremist spheres of the country.

This is the recognition of a marriage celebrated in France between a 31-year-old French citizen and a 26-year-old Tunisian citizen (residing in France).

As the Shams association points out, we are facing an event that goes in the right direction for the Tunisian LGBT+ population and their rights.

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