Hiya, hope you’re doing great even though the whole world is a bit crazy at the moment.
My name is Raffa (Raffaele) and I am the Editor-in-Chief of this new LGBT+ Information and Lifestyle Magazine. Please, accept my warmest welcome to The Gayly Mirror; as of today we officially open our doors to old and new readers.
I know you might be asking yourself if we really needed a new LGBT+ News and Lifestyle Magazine, and I honestly think I do not own an answer for you. I’m sure you will all appreciate the fact that since the very first moment I thought about this project, my intention was to deliver free and verified information and entertainment. I am so happy I found a TEAM that shares this view with me and is keen to offer you good pieces to read and get news and inspiration from.
TheGaylyMirror is a volunteer project, this is why we might not be able to always cover all needed subjects throughout the day and the year, but we will really try our best. We are not run by big companies who own money to invest, therefore I personally invest my time and money in this project and luckily, I have a team that supports me.
Whoever thinks this project deserves some more support is free and welcome to help TGM by donating via PayPal (check the box in the side-column of this website). We will try as much as possible to avoid annoying banners and commercials and to keep them to the essential.
Our Team is motivated, made of people coming from different countries with different backgrounds, which is a way to enrich one-another. We are always happy to welcome new members and contributors to TGM, just get in touch with us via this link if you think you got what it takes to be part of this project.
We try to report and write about what we think could be of general interest to be able to reach the highest number of readers, but of course, we are open to suggestions, to get to know your interests. Your opinions and comments are always welcome. If you think there is something specific we should be writing about, please do get in touch with us, as you, dear reader, keep this Magazine alive.
We are on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (where you can also find me with my personal profile). Can I invite you to follow us there too? We would so much appreciate it.
It is time for me to leave space to more posts and news, but before I do so, please, let me thank you for your attention and wish my fantastic Team all the best. I do hope you will be reading our contents and interact with us as much as possible for the following years.
Enjoy Reading TheGaylyMirror!
P.S. This is The Beginning 😉