Tag: disney

Disney to release their long-awaited bisexual lead in The Owl House
closeUp, Entertainment

Disney to release their long-awaited bisexual lead in The Owl House

Disney is making strides with the LGBT+ representation in their films, and they shall soon feature a bisexual protagonist. You will surely remember the other animation movie that had a lesbian character and the famous Duck Tales with two gay dads- unfortunately not well accepted in all countries - and Disney continues to make strides in the representation of LGBT+ characters. The Owl House - this is the name of TV Series that should represent a bisexual protagonist - which airs on the Disney Channel, sees its lead character named Luz - a 14-year-old Dominican-American, that has already given some hints on her sexuality, to be possibly queer. Luz (whose voice belongs to Sarah-Nicole Robles) has previously shown interest in guys, but recently fans have noticed her growing interest fro Ami...
PIxar’s OUT: a new story with a gay character.
closeUp, Entertainment

PIxar’s OUT: a new story with a gay character.

After Officer Spencer, the lesbian character in Onward, Pixar includes always more LGBT+ characters in their movies. One small step for Pixar, one giant leap for LGBT+ presence in animations movies. Pixar released Out, a new short animation film that features the first gay main character in the studio’s three-decade history. This family-friendly film (which is available to stream on Disney+) follows Greg’s story who’s preparing to move into a big city apartment with his boyfriend, Manuel. Greg, however, hasn’t come out to his parents yet, and the things get even more interesting when his parents surprisingly show up to help him pack. The story gets even ‘trickier’ - but in a nice and fun way - but, with the help of his dog, and a little bit of magic, Greg learns that he has nothing to h...
Disney’s DuckTales introduce two gay duck dads.
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Disney’s DuckTales introduce two gay duck dads.

Show’s Executive Producer says he wants “better representation, not cookies”. DisneyXD’s third season premiere show dropped a new and amazing reveal about Violet’s family. The scene shows Huey and Violet facing off at their scouting group for the title of Senior Woodchuck after Violet saves Huey’s life.  Rapidly after the premiere, all DuckTales Fans started showing their appreciation on Twitter  for the representation of this LGBT+ moment in a historical Disney Show.  Violet is pictured between her two dads waring “I’m with dad” t-shirts and to be sure the audience clearly understands it all, Lena - Violet’s friend - says “That’s my sister from a couple misters!” One of the fans wrote: “A step in the right direction for LGBT representation… Thank you so much, DuckTales. Se...
Onward gets censored in Russia and Saudi countries
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Onward gets censored in Russia and Saudi countries

This is what happens when ignorance and homophobia get together. Disney-Pixar's Onward introduces us to the first openly gay character in the history of animated movies: Agent Specter, who in a quick joke, talks about her girlfriend and her daughter who "makes her lose her mind" Lena Waithe, the voice of Agent Specter in this cartoon, had the idea to let her character talk about a girlfriend rather than a husband. She told the director: “Can I say it? Isn’t it cooler? The word husband does not work”. Indeed the word girlfriend worked a lot better, but this was enough to scare those homophobic countries like Russia and Saudis which just cannot accept Agent Specter’s homosexuality. So, just in a time when the world economy has to deal with a frightening enemy, this damned COVID -19, Saudi...
Officer Specter – first openly lesbian character in a Disney Pixar cartoon
closeUp, Entertainment

Officer Specter – first openly lesbian character in a Disney Pixar cartoon

Here we are! For the first time in Disney’s history we are introduced to Officer Specter, a one-eyed policewoman who says she has a girlfriend. Of course, it is not specified whether the policewoman is lesbian or bisexual, but she speaks about love for a person of her same sex, and this is a great achievement if we think about the fact that she will show children love in another nuance of normality. Kori Rae, producer, commented: “We wanted to open our world by a pinch and make it more representative of the society around us." The film will be released in American theaters on March 6th. Specter’s voice is given by the openly lesbian actress Lena Waithe, famous for the Netflix series "Master of None". Of course the ultra-religious right has already sent its complaints to Disney, but the...
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