So I say to you lesbians, you are no different to any fascist group – pull your fingers out of your arses and educate yourselves on who your allies truly are.
Women in the 21st Century are still sexually abused, discriminated against and indecently sexually idolised. So what gives lesbians the right to discriminate against transexual women ? I am ashamed to admit it but there was a time where I did not accept men transitioning into women. I used to find it repulsive and thought it to be a weapon to abuse females. It wasn’t until I saw a transexual woman sleeping rough that it dawned on me. I had walked by June twice that day and my heart sank as I could see beneath the dirty fingernails, the unwashed face, the greasy knotted hair and a worn out grey blanket covering her body, the saddest piercing blue eyes stared back at me. I sat beside her and for the next two hours she transformed my thought process. No person who transitions from being the privileged male into the ‘considered lesser gender’ has any malicious intentions but only the purest. They have no intentions towards anyone but to put right the body they were wrongly born into.
The lesbian community clearly state that they support the transexuals but do we truly ? No of course we do not ! We are nothing more than mere hypocritical elusive women who would not dare romantically get involved with a transexual. We talk the talk but do not believe in a word we say. In actual fact, lesbians are mostly disgusted by transexuals and hiding behind their well prepared supportive speeches is what they know how to do best; they pave the way for hypocrisy, ignorance and being sanctimonious bitches. Call them out for what they are because too many transexuals have found themselves getting glammed up to attend a lesbian soiree only to be meeted and greeted with looks of disgust and confusion.
In the animal kingdom, the lesbian would of course be the lioness hunting down the transexual cantaloupe and devouring it. That’s how we function in our community, by putting others down who we believe are a threat to our identity. Yet, we scream and shout about being accepted when we are the least accepting community. So I say to you lesbians, you are no different to any fascist group – pull your fingers out of your arses and educate yourselves on who your allies truly are.
If you haven’t yet watched channel 4’s programme ‘first dates’ then please click on the link below. A wonderful, bubbly and kind hearted transexual called Rachel Oliver is partnered with the gorgeous spiritual Debs who shows true human kindness and acceptance.
To watch the clip please click here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1038724699848103
To educate yourself on transexuals please follow Rachel Oliver and her radio show Sonder Radio and Reform Radio. She’s an inspiration to us all !