Sanremo 2020 was preceded by a flood of dissensions, negative criticisms and bad publicity, yet something unexpected and beautiful is happening on that stage.
Maybe this edition of Sanremo Contest 2020 will go down in history as the one with the highest TV share and with the biggest line-up delays ever seen, but certainly a piece of history of music and of fight against bigotry, homotransphobia and the absurd male chauvinism that grips Italy are finally being written.
On the first evening Achille Lauro got onto the stage dressed up in a black tunic which he then unexpectedly took off to show his almost naked body, dressed in a flesh-colored and full of rhinestones jumpsuit, singing in front of all the audience at Sanremo 2020 the he does “not care” (Me Ne Frego is the title of his song that translated means “I do not care”), and he does it seriously. He does not care about bigotry, macho rhetoric that soaks Italy and almost fakes a gay kiss with his bass player.
And he continues not to care abut what people say and think bringing a message of respect for women, for those people considered “different”, even during his duet with Annalisa on the third evening of this Sanremo Festival: he is two steps behind Annalisa, he leaves her the scene, lets her sing almost the whole song. A song by a woman where Achille Lauro did not change the lyrics, leaving them in feminine version as huge act of respect for Mia Martini.
Always him, who has been criticised by many bigots for “believing himself to be David Bowie”, presented himself as David would have done, but “bringing” Ziggy Stardust on stage: rigged, almost androgynous, flashy and arrogant of the false Italian respectability, paying tribute, with Annalisa, to a great Italian artist (Mia Martini) who because of these machism, bigotry and false respectability died in solitude.
And yes, we agree that Elettra Lamborghini was completely out of tune at this Sanremo 2020 but last night with Myss Keta she was able to bring real scenes of a gay couple’s life … of two girls in love, onto that stage.
Jealousies, love, strange thoughts and disagreements which, however, are resolved with a sapphic kiss and with many smiles.
Yes, it is true that for the vocal level the performance seemed that of a karaoke, but these two Italian girls, broke a taboo by mimicking a gay kiss between them and behaving like a real couple in love who quarrels and makes peace.
Bringing scenes like these to the stage of Sanremo Festival, shouting loudly the existence and the right to a normal life of the LGBT+ people, and muddying schemes as old as the world, makes these artists people to THANK, and to do it with our hearts.
And if a moral winner must be crowned at this Sanremo 2020, surely all the LGBT+ Italian people will give Achille Lauro a huge prize.