Elodie’s Andromeda is the perfect song Italy could use to win Eurovision Song Contest 2020

“My frailty chains me inside, but if I look too small, then I won’t be your Andromeda”

A voice like few others, a multifaceted woman artist: model and singer. She walked on Sanremo 2020 stage and presented a song  which got super appreciated by the critics and the audience.

A song and music specially created for her by her friend Mahmood – which got to the second place in last year Eurovision Song Contest in Tel Aviv – and the producer Dardust, that thanks to a unique, elegant and powerful voice, are filled with meaningful feelings and make us sing right since the very first time we listen to it.

A mix of pop, electro and rap, Andromeda has established itself among the most loved songs of this Sanremo 2020 (second place in the demoscopic jury’s ranking of the first evening), already sent on rotation on all national radio stations and promises to be passed on radios again and again, for a long time.

The song, on which Mahmood’s shadow “shines” – just close your eyes and you can immediately imagine Alessandro Mahmood singing it – is what Italy would really need at the next Eurovision Song Contest 2020 in Rotterdam.

We can already see her dressed like Andromeda (one of the Saint Seiyas) who enchants Eurovision audience and gives Italy new hopes to take home the title of winners in this 2020 (as long as the Sanremo Mafia does not play bad shots).

For now we just can’t stop listening to it and hoping she will win Sanremo 2020.

Good Luck Elodie!

Remeber that on twitter we will all be using these hashtags during Eurovision –> #Titina20 #ESC2020

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