Tag: transphobia

Emmett Brock: A Shocking Case of Anti-Trans Violence in Los Angeles
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Emmett Brock: A Shocking Case of Anti-Trans Violence in Los Angeles

8 police officers dismissed after attack to a Trans Man in Los Angeles In a story that has left many of us gobsmacked, Emmett Brock, a 23-year-old transgender teacher from Los Angeles, has bravely spoken out after being viciously attacked by a rideshare driver. The incident, which highlights the ongoing epidemic of anti-trans violence, is a sobering reminder that despite progress in LGBTQ+ rights, the world can still be an unsafe place for trans individuals. The Attack Brock was allegedly attacked by Joseph Benza III, a rideshare driver, after a verbal disagreement escalated. The driver reportedly hurled a slew of transphobic slurs before launching a physical assault that left Brock shaken and injured. The incident, which occurred in November 2022, has only recently come to light after ...
Italy: protesters in the streets to support ZAN Anti Homotransphobia  Bill
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Italy: protesters in the streets to support ZAN Anti Homotransphobia Bill

The Italian LGTB+ population and that huge majority of Italians that love and want Civil Rights for all, started a huge protest after Zan Bill got stopped during its run to become a law. Zan Bill - Anti Homotransphobia - had already been bounced, delayed and longly discussed before getting completely stopped two days ago in the Italian Senate, and unfortunately the images we saw of that vote, were images that could only belong to a nation of troglodytes. But Italy is not the country that those fascist political parties want to picture: Italy is a nation of good-hearted and civil people that have detached themselves from the politics long ago, and that show huge support to LGBT+ rights. From TV hosts to the Streets of the major cities, peaceful but impacting protests and messages have s...
Anti Homo-Transphobia bill in Italy gets completely stopped.
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Anti Homo-Transphobia bill in Italy gets completely stopped.

The journey from bill to law of what is known in Italy as DDL Zan (Anti Homo-transphobia bill) gets abruptly interrupted today. Twenty-three votes scuttled the Zan Bill. The centre-left was sure to have 149 votes on paper, but two abstained and 16 senators passed with the centre-right. The result was 154 votes for NO and 131 for YES, a ratio that was reversed compared to the theoretical starting point envisaged by the forces in the field.  From the Democratic Party, accusations were levelled at those belonging to the party of the Ex Prime-Minister, Mr. Matteo Renzi.  Now Ignazio La Russa (Far right party - Fratelli d’Italia) says: "There is a new majority". Dem leader Monica Cirinnà (famous for her battle to make a law on same sex marriages approved in Italy) said: "The centre-left ...
Italian extreme-right wing Party blocking a proper law against homophobia
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Italian extreme-right wing Party blocking a proper law against homophobia

Lega Party and his leader, Matteo Salvini, are obstructing the discussion and the approval of the so called Zan bill, showing once again, how racist and homophobe they can be. The discussion of the Zan bill (that takes the name from the MP that first proposed it), has been stopped once again from Lega - the Italian extreme-right-party - because according to the leader, Matteo Salvini, "Italy does not need a new law regulating acts of homophobia, as laws in Italy already punish all acts of racism and hate and because this law is divisive and not foreseen by the government programme." This is what also, another fascist leader of the Italian Parliament - Giorgia Meloni - repeatedly affirms, adding also that if the Zan bill is approved, Italian citizens would loose every right to their...
Hungary bans same-sex couples from adopting children
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Hungary bans same-sex couples from adopting children

Victor Orban and his homophobic group of MPs are continuing the ferocious and hatred campaign agains Hungarian LGBT+ population. The legislation put forward by Prime Minister Viktor Orban's right-wing government says only married couples can adopt, with some exceptions for single relatives of the child who is going to be adopted. Until this law, even if same-sex marriage is illegal in Hungary, adoption has been possible if one partner applied on their own. This is such a dark moment for human rights, and not only in Hungary. From now on single people will require special approval from the government to adopt. In the same amendment approved on Tuesday family is defined as "based on marriage and the parent-child relation. The mother is a woman, the father a man". B...
Bracelona: Trans teenager brutally attacked on Trans Day of Remembrance
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Bracelona: Trans teenager brutally attacked on Trans Day of Remembrance

Eva Vildosola, only 19 moved to Barcelon to find some peace and live her live normally, but that “peace” was brutally broken by two men who attacked her and called her a “monster” as soon as she left her house on Friday 20th Novemeber. Not a day like the others, especially for the Trans community worldwide, but the TDOR 2020, that honours, mourns and celebrate all the Trans people around the world and that falls in a horrible year for the entire LGBT+ population that because of the Covid-19 pandemic has faced even more issues and barriers than ever before.  According to La Vanguardia, a local newspaper, the incident is being investigated by the Catalan police, who are trying to identify her attackers alongside the Barcelona Hate Crimes Prosecutor’s Office. Eva decided to denounce th...
Trans woman sent to men’s prison: a story of abuses and terrifying rapes
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Trans woman sent to men’s prison: a story of abuses and terrifying rapes

A trans woman from Virginia lived one of the most horrible experiences a trans person could live. As the WYDaily reports, Tykira Spruill’s nightmare began back in 2006 at St Bride’s Correctional Facility in Chesapeake, Virginia, after she was arrested for stealing. At that time she had recently started medically transitioning with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and silicone injections in her face, but when she arrived she was stripped of any gender-affirming clothing and placed in a men’s area. But unfortunately it did not stop there, as she later got charged with “identity fraud charges” and when she was taken to prison the story repeated. She was still having silicone injections before she was incarcerated, and when she was taken the doctor on duty for an infection - always in the m...
Italy: the proposed law against homophobia could favour homophobes and not the LGBT+ people if the basic text is not changed.
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Italy: the proposed law against homophobia could favour homophobes and not the LGBT+ people if the basic text is not changed.

Majority and opposition in full agreement to sanction the right to discriminate and be homophobic. From today, according to the recently modified text of the bill against homo-transphobia in Italy, you can insult any LGBT+ person and be homophobic, and still you would not be punished by law. Oh yeah! Because if "Italy is a country that does not discriminate!", then the flood of protests against the proposed law against homotransphobia that we are facing, and that are coming from the right parties, those extremist also the so called "Catholic-Fiscists", do not makes no sense. Among the first ones to contest the bill we find Matteo Salvini who continues in full denial style, to shift media's attention to something else, coming to sputtering absurd ideas as the one that there is no differen...
Young gay couple brutally attacked in Milan (Italy)
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Young gay couple brutally attacked in Milan (Italy)

Milan has always been a very gay-friendly city, but there are too many homophobic idiots around. The happening last night in Milan, in a quiet and warm evening in this city hardly  hit by Coronavirus. First the homophobic offenses, heavy, ugly, and then the beatings. The incident was promptly reported by the GayCenter of Rome - which operates at national level - and by their spokesperson, Mr. Fabrizio Marrazzo who said: "Last night in Milan a 20-year-old gay couple was insulted and attacked. The couple was eating on a bench in a park and a boy with a beard and tattoos on a scooter approached him and started to offend them with homophobic insults, to the boys' answers he punched S., which you see in the video, wounding him in the face. The case was reported to us on our Gay Help ...
Hungary approves bill to ban gender recognition.
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Hungary approves bill to ban gender recognition.

There’s no limit to homophobia in Hungary. The LGBT+ community of Hungary is facing new and dangerous challenges after the approval of a bill to ban legal gender recognition. This is putting the Trans community in physical and psychological danger. Basically today, a government-backed bill to replace the terms 'gender' with 'birth sex' on all legal documents issued in the country, was legally approved and effectively  prevents any form of legal recognition for transgender people in the EU state - it passed by 133 votes to 57. The bill has been condemned by LGBT+ organisations across Hungary as well as the Hungarian Psychological Association. Hungarian LGBT+ rights organisation Háttér Society called on Hungarian president to prevent the bill from being signed into law, they added: “We w...
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