Eurovision Song Contest Revival – a friendly chat with Imri Ziv – VIDEO
It is sad not to have Eurovision Song Contest this year due to Coronavirus pandemic, but we are Eurovision Fans in any case and we will celebrate this week as a if the contest was still happening.
Rotterdam was getting ready and all of us willing to attend the event had already bought their flights and hotels... but then... a bastard virus got into the way and obliged the entire Eurovision machine to stop, to give up and cancel the event.
So to celebrate this event we had a live streaming with Imri Ziv on Raffa's IG and you can watch the full interview here below.
Who is Imri Ziv?
Imri Ziv, also known as IMRI, is a 28-year-old Israeli singer and voice actor. After winning HaKokhav HaBa, he represented Israe...